Hey you! Wanna know more about this? Search 'frog killing fungus' and see what's happening to the poor little phibs *meep*
Apparently it clogs the poor little phibs skin (which the breathe/drink through) and obviously that's not very positive for 'em if they furthur wish to live. :O
This year has been marked as the year of the frog to help raise awareness of the situation. Here are some helpful (or at least related) links on the subject....
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/new s/2008/04/080401-frog-fungus.html
http://sweets8.deviantart.com/art/save -us-D-86119254
http://claw-ravenscroft.deviantart.com /art/Frog-populations-have-declined-70 782825
So if you have a liking for frogs (besides meal related liking -_-; ) get out there and DO something for 'em! They'll appreciate the help.